Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dec 23rd

Elin has already started on "can I open a present?" No, she has to wait till Christmas morning at Grandma Norma's then again in the evening at Grammy & Pappa's.
So, this is what the house looks like with 4 inches and counting. I started cleaning the drive, but it has been driven on several times so it is hard to get it all up.
So, I worked harder on my side of the drive than I did Todd's, but that is his problem. I had to move my car in order to get mom's out to take her on errands this afternoon. I've been putting the dog into the garage at night due to the cold, cold weather. She seems to wake up happier in the morning having the heat.

Well, along with the bomb that went off in a bank killing 2 police officers over in the valley, Prineville had it's own version. A call was made to the Mental Health office, and caused about 6 blocks to be evacuated for the day. This happened last Friday. It turned out that the call was traced and a suspect arrested. It closed the Mental Health building, several business across the street, US Bank and across third street (state hwy), Radio Shack and the barbershop. By the time I got home from work 3rd was back open, along with 7-11 and some others, but the bank and mental health, meat market and one or two couldn't reopen until Saturday.

So, I hope every one has a good holiday. We are double dipping again this year. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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About Me

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Vancouver, WA, United States
I am a 50 something with a wonderful husband and 16 year old daughter. For work I do computer IT part time. For fun, I write genealogy web pages, take pictures and just enjoy my daughter. 8 years ago, I became a soccer mom, a roll I've really enjoyed. We recently relocated to Vancouver Washington and are loving the area